Source code for

from typing import Optional

from ..api import Tag
from ..error import JsonObject
from ..internal import BaseAPI, BaseAsyncAPI, JsonObjectForm, JsonObjectView
from ..pagination import AsyncPage, Cursor, Page
from ..view import _TaggedView
from .schemas import SchemaView

_PATH = "/iocean/collections"

[docs] class CollectionAPI(BaseAPI): """Collection API"""
[docs] def register(self, collection: "CollectionForm") -> "CollectionRegistrationView": """Register collection. Note: Calls `POST /iocean/collections`. Args: collection: collection form. Return: Collection registration view. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see args value requirements). :class:``: Collection with the specified id (name) already exists. :class:``: Form contains logic errors. Note: Conflict error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` Semantic error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` """ resp = self._connector.do_post(_PATH, json=collection.json()) return CollectionRegistrationView(resp.json())
[docs] def view(self, collection_id: str) -> "CollectionView": """Get collection. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections/{collectionName}`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. Return: Collection view. Raises: :class:``: Resource not found. """ url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}" resp = self._connector.do_get(url) return CollectionView(resp)
[docs] def view_schema(self, collection_id: str) -> SchemaView: """Get collection schema. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections/{collectionName}/schema`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. Return: Schema view. Raises: :class:``: Resource not found. """ url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}/schema" resp = self._connector.do_get(url) return SchemaView(resp)
[docs] def update(self, collection_id: str, tag: Tag, *, schema_id: Optional[str]): """Update collection Note: Calls `PATCH /iocean/collections/{collectionName}`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. tag: :attr:`CollectionView.tag` value. Use :meth:`view` to retrieve it. schema_id: schema identified. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see form value requirements). :class:``: Object schema changed since last request. Update tag and retry. :class:``: Resource not found. :class:``: Form contains logic errors. Note: Semantic error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` """ body = {} if schema_id is not None: body["schemaID"] = schema_id url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}" self._connector.do_patch(url, tag=tag, json=body)
[docs] def filter( self, *, cursor: Optional[Cursor] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Page["CollectionCommonView"]: """Get collections. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections`. Args: cursor: Page cursor. limit: Page limit. Return: Page with collection views and next page cursor. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see args value requirements). """ params: JsonObject = {} if cursor is not None: params["cursor"] = str(cursor) if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit resp = self._connector.do_get(path=_PATH, params=params) return Page(self._connector.do_get, resp, CollectionCommonView)
[docs] class CollectionAsyncAPI(BaseAsyncAPI): """Collection asynchronous API"""
[docs] async def register( self, collection: "CollectionForm" ) -> "CollectionRegistrationView": """Register collection. Note: Calls `POST /iocean/collections`. Args: collection: collection form. Return: Collection registration view. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see args value requirements). :class:``: Collection with the specified id (name) already exists. :class:``: Form contains logic errors. Note: Conflict error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` Semantic error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` """ resp = await self._connector.do_post(_PATH, json=collection.json()) return CollectionRegistrationView(resp.json())
[docs] async def view(self, collection_id: str) -> "CollectionView": """Get collection. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections/{collectionName}`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. Return: Collection view. Raises: :class:``: Resource not found. """ url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}" resp = await self._connector.do_get(url) return CollectionView(resp)
[docs] async def view_schema(self, collection_id: str) -> SchemaView: """Get collection schema. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections/{collectionName}/schema`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. Return: Schema view. Raises: :class:``: Resource not found. """ url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}/schema" resp = await self._connector.do_get(url) return SchemaView(resp)
[docs] async def update(self, collection_id: str, tag: Tag, *, schema_id: Optional[str]): """Update collection Note: Calls `PATCH /iocean/collections/{collectionName}`. Args: collection_id: collection's id. tag: :attr:`CollectionView.tag` value. Use :meth:`view` to retrieve it. schema_id: schema identified. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see form value requirements). :class:``: Object schema changed since last request. Update tag and retry. :class:``: Resource not found. :class:``: Form contains logic errors. Note: Semantic error codes specific for this method: * :attr:`` """ body = {} if schema_id is not None: body["schemaID"] = schema_id url = f"{_PATH}/{collection_id}" await self._connector.do_patch(url, tag=tag, json=body)
[docs] async def filter( self, *, cursor: Optional[Cursor] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> AsyncPage["CollectionCommonView"]: """Get collections. Note: Calls `GET /iocean/collections`. Args: cursor: Page cursor. limit: Page limit. Return: Page with collection views and next page cursor. Raises: :class:``: Provided values are invalid (see args value requirements). """ params: JsonObject = {} if cursor is not None: params["cursor"] = str(cursor) if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit resp = await self._connector.do_get(path=_PATH, params=params) return AsyncPage(self._connector.do_get, resp, CollectionCommonView)
[docs] class CollectionRegistrationView(JsonObjectView): """Collection registration view""" @property def name(self): """The name of registered collection""" return self._get("name")
[docs] class CollectionCommonView(JsonObjectView): """Collection common view""" @property def name(self) -> str: """Collection name""" return self._get("name") @property def schema_id(self) -> str: """Schema identifier""" return self._get("schemaID")
[docs] class CollectionView(_TaggedView, CollectionCommonView): """Collection view""" pass
[docs] class CollectionForm(JsonObjectForm): """Collection form""" def __init__(self, name: str, schema_id: str): super().__init__() self._data["name"] = name self._data["schemaID"] = schema_id